Some of the worksheets displayed are scatter plots name hour date scatter plots and lines of best fit work scatter plots work 15 scatter plots and correlation work name per name period scatter plots algebra 10 tall buildings in cities building city stories height scatterplots and correlation. There can be a positive correlation a negative correlation and no correlation.

Write an equation for your trend line.

Scatter plot worksheets. Write your equation in y mx b. Some of the worksheets displayed are scatter plots scatter plots scatter plot work tall buildings in cities building city stories height concept 20 scatterplots correlation name period scatter plots algebra 10 name hour date scatter plots and lines of best fit work scatter plot work answer key platter of scots wait. Scatter plots are graphic representations of the relationship between two variablesscatter plots are a good way to look at the correlation between the two variables.
Determine the ordered pairs of two of the points that your trend line is passing through. Find the slope using the two points and the formula. Grade 8 scatter plots.
Displaying top 8 worksheets found for scatter plots. The correlation of a scatter plot can be three different things. This is an important skill that students will carry into advanced math and science courses.
Some of the worksheets for this concept are scatter plots grade levelcourse grade 8 and algebra 1 mathlinks grade 8 student packet 10 bivariate data scatter plots and lines of best fit name hour date scatter plots and lines of best fit work name period scatter plots algebra 10 grade 8. When there is a correlation identify the relationship as linear or nonlinear. A positive correlation means that the variables are related in such a way that they.
Some of the worksheets for this concept are scatter plots name hour date scatter plots and lines of best fit work scatter plots work 15 scatter plots and correlation work name per name period scatter plots algebra 10 tall buildings in cities building city stories height scatterplots and correlation. These worksheets explain how to read and interpret scatter plots. Worksheet by kuta software llc kuta software infinite pre algebra scatter plots name date period 1 state if there appears to be a positive correlation negative correlation or no correlation.
Showing top 8 worksheets in the category scatter plot. Showing top 8 worksheets in the category scatter plots. Grade 8 scatter plots displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.
Extend your trend line so that it crossed the y axis. We really want students to be able to understand what a trend means on these plots. Scatter plots worksheet 2 step 4.